
This blog has grown out of my weekly newspaper column. Enjoy.
A prudent person forsees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 22:3 (NLT)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

To Conspire or Not:  My Theory

I’ve never been one of those who buys into any of the hundreds of conspiracy theories floating around cyberspace.  And plenty of those theories have to do with folks who prepare for disasters.  As with most theories, they may or may not be founded in fact, but given enough credibility and traction, some people order their lives around conspiracy theories. Apparently they love the drama.  Then the theory is passed on and like the old grade school game of gossip, the story can grow and evolve into something totally different than the original.  One particular concept of which I’ve recently been made aware deals with Presidential Executive Orders.  
During the past few years, much news has been made of Executive Orders.  Whether or not you agree with the decisions of the various presidents, the fact is Executive Orders are in effect until rescinded by either the issuing POTUS or one of his successors.  And they carry the same weight as legislatively-enacted law.
One E.O. most concerning to preppers is one put forth by President Jimmy Carter.  President Carter is responsible for establishing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) in early 1979.  Subsequently Executive Order #12148 issued a few months later combines a handful of other federal agencies and grants sweeping powers to the newly formed F.E.M.A. Several existing Executive Orders were also consolidated at the same time.  This E.O. is interpreted by many to give F.E.M.A. authority, in the event of declared emergency, to not only confiscate all stored supplies but also to press the general citizenry into service to assist with managing the disaster.  This interpretation can scare the life out of folks who have independently and wisely worked hard to prepare for an emergency.  
Personally I don’t really have an opinion and I am certainly no expert on Presidential Executive Orders, but here’s what I do know:  Keep on quietly accumulating extra groceries and equipment you think you’ll need in the event of a disaster.  If necessary, make ready for an evacuation and likewise, keep all your plans on the down low.  Keep your gas tank on the upper half and set aside some cash in your sock drawer.  Tune up your camping gear, make sure that camping stove will light and pick up a few extra propane canisters.  Flashlight batteries, candles, and matches are also on that list as well as non-perishable food items.  In other words, just keep doing what you’re doing while staying under the radar.
As always send your questions, comments and conspiracy theories to disasterprep.dave@gmail.com.  Previous columns are on my blog at www.disasterprepdave.blogspot.com.  Dave Robinson is a retired Postmaster and the author of “Disaster Prep For The Rest Of Us,” available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers.

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