
This blog has grown out of my weekly newspaper column. Enjoy.
A prudent person forsees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 22:3 (NLT)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Basic Meds

Baseball season on the Southern Oregon Coast involves doing a do-si-do with the weatherman and still we cancel about as many games as we actually play.  A game called on account of rain is a routine occurrence and not the exception.  On a recent sunny Saturday, my 10 year old grandson actually played in three games.  One of those was a make-up game for one cancelled earlier due to rain.  That evening we noticed he was moderately toasted by the sun as he is fair-skinned and prolonged exposure to the sun gives him that painful red glow with which we are all so familiar.
I’m the guy who always had Band-Aids in his wallet when my kids were young.  I still keep a good supply of Band-Aids close at hand.  Among the meds I always carry is a remedy for diarrhea. After Band-Aids and headache remedies, some kind of response to the green-apple quick-step is among the most requested items in my family.  And now because of the glow my grandson earned on that rare, sunny day, we carry sun screen in all our vehicles just to protect against nature’s over-exposure.  In fact, the next day he began to exhibit symptoms of heat exhaustion.  Might I add that we were a half hour from home, washing some worms at our favorite fishing spot.
According to one medical website, heat exhaustion occurs when the body’s ability to cool itself is overwhelmed, usually by exertion on a hot day.  Some of the symptoms include profuse sweating, nausea, vomiting, weakness, light-headedness and muscle cramps.  Treatment is as follows:  Stop the activity immediately and move to a cooler environment.  Then begin rehydration.  My grandson complained of a headache and a tummy ache.  I dug through my kit and found a single headache pill (Alleve) and began pouring a sports drink down him  Most of which came back up on a couple of subsequent occasions.  He eventually cooled down and his appetite returned, as his temperature subsided.  At this writing, all is well.
Not all disasters involve earthquake, tornado or terrorist.  Some are just simply a test of what you have on hand or your knowledge of simple first aid.   With summer approaching you may want to brush up on your first aid, especially heat-related issues.  Make sure everyone is hydrated.  Sunscreen in every vehicle.  Simple meds, diarrhea, headache, and sunburn spray.  A case of bottled water and some sports drinks in your trunk may save the day.  No longer is it enough just to be the guy with the Band Aids in his wallet.  
As always send your questions and comments to disasterprep.dave@gmail.com.  For previous columns check out my blog at www.disasterprepdave.blogspot.com.  Dave Robinson is a retired postmaster and the author of “Disaster Prep For The Rest Of Us,” available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers.  

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