
This blog has grown out of my weekly newspaper column. Enjoy.
A prudent person forsees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 22:3 (NLT)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Paperwork Paperwork

    A very big part of disaster preparedness has nothing to do with food, water, ammunition or first aid supplies.  A few years back Hurricane Katrina blew in off the Gulf of Mexico forcing the hasty evacuation of New Orleans.  Never before in history had it been necessary to evacuate an entire major city in the United States.  
    After the wind died down and the flood waters receded, the population returned to their city.  Some returned to their homes, some returned to where their homes had been.  In many cases all that remained was a foundation, a concrete slab or a set of front porch steps.  
    When we think of evacuation, we usually have a list that includes clothes, food, tent, sleeping bags and other items needed for survival.  (I didn’t mention the kids or pets, I just assumed they’d be a part of your plan.)  Because the ultimate goal of evacuation is to eventually return home and resume living, it is important that you are able to re-establish yourself in your former life.  Re-establishing is a whole lot easier if your  vital documents are intact.  Things like your passport, birth certificate, home insurance policy, the title to your family car, the deed to your home and even college transcripts.  
One account I read described the intention of one evacuee to seek employment in his city of refuge until it dawned on him he couldn’t prove his credentials.  He had failed to make copies of his vital papers therefore was unable to prove his qualifications for the job he sought.  
Even if the disaster is confined to your home in the form of a house fire, it is possible you could lose all your important papers.  Home fire safes are better than nothing, but the best way is to store copies somewhere off-site.  Banks offer safe deposit boxes just for that purpose.  Another, more high-tech method is to scan your documents and store them electronically.  You can store them on-line in “cloud” technology, put them on a flash drive or simply keep copies at a trusted friend’s house.  Although there is really no substitute for original copies, you can still recover policy numbers, passport numbers and other identifying information from the copies.  When you explain your plight to that guy at DMV, the process is expedited when you can show copies along with your explanation.  So plan right now to sit down some evening and organize your important papers.  Get them scanned or copied and placed in safe location.
Several months back I mentioned an item I own which was designed for use during power outages.  It’s called a Storm Station, manufactured by Black & Decker, it sells for $89.99 at certain online retailers.  It features a radio, including weather channel, a 12 volt power outlet, a 120 volt inverter (25 watts) , a room light and a built-in rechargeable flashlight.  The book says you set it on a shelf, plug it in and leave it that way until needed.  Its handy features make it one of the first items you reach for during an outage.  
Last week during our “grid-down” experience I grabbed it, set it on the counter and hit the “on” button.  Nothing.  The battery was dead.  Although the thing had been plugged into the trickle charger the entire time, the unit was dead.  The radio would play, but there was no light, no inverter and no flashlight.  Online research revealed that I’m not the only one.  The remedy seems to be to purchase another battery, take it apart and swap out the battery.  
I have since learned that other rechargeable power sources can experience the same problem.  The lesson here is to check them out now before your power goes out to make sure they actually work as advertised.  I plan to order a new battery for my Storm Station and will keep you updated on my battery swap-out plan.
As always send your comments and questions to disasterprep.dave@gmail.com.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Power Outage

    Several of us experienced an electrical power outage this past weekend.  I’m not privy to the technical details, but due to high winds most of us here in southern Coos County had at least a short-term lapse in electrical service  beginning Saturday afternoon.  My own power was out for roughly 5 hours while neighbors only a mile away lost their electricity for 24 hours.  
    The local grocery store closed its doors.  The gas station shut down as did most other local businesses.  The hardware store was one of the few open in the downtown area.  Powering up the cash registers with an SUV-mounted inverter and extension cord, they were doing a brisk business selling flashlights, batteries, lamp oil and all manner of propane lighting, candles and other camping gear.  
    The Deli was experiencing a definite up-tick in business.  Powered by natural gas, their kitchen was kept busy while customers shopped by alternative lighting.  What grocery items they do carry were flying off the shelves.
    At my house, electronic devices were exchanged for Legos and a chess game.  A pot of homemade chili cooked on the camp stove made for a special dinner by Coleman lantern. After a few hours of “camping-in”  there were sounds of disappointment when the power came back on.   
    Here are some thoughts:  Have a few small flashlights.  Give one to each member of the household to carry in their pocket so if they need to go to an unlighted room to look for that board game, they can find their way without carrying the Coleman lantern.
Candles.  Candles are great to place in the bathroom or other strategic locations around the house.  With candles or any open flame, always be aware of the fire danger.  It’s best to use candles that won’t tip over easily, like the ones that come in the fancy jars.  The long tapers make nice table decorations, but from a practical standpoint the fire danger from tipping is a definite downside.  One idea I’ve seen on the web is to stick a lamp wick in a can of Crisco.  The claim is it will burn for 45 days.  I haven’t tried it myself, but it makes sense.  If you have kerosene-style lamps or lanterns, be sure you are compatible with the fuel.  One acquaintance found that the fumes from burning kerosene caused her to have headaches.  Liquid paraffin or other lamp oil might be a more acceptable choice.  And lastly, I know I keep pounding the “stock-up-on-batteries” drum, but after the lights go out is no time to run to the store.  They may be in short supply after this weekend’s outage, but now is the best time to prepare.  Besides when you prepare ahead of time, you don’t have to shop in the dark!
    As always, send your questions, comments and “lights-out” stories to disasterprep.dave@gmail.com.