
This blog has grown out of my weekly newspaper column. Enjoy.
A prudent person forsees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 22:3 (NLT)

Friday, June 29, 2012

1 What to do when the lights go out

Emergency Preparedness For The Rest Of Us.
What to do When The Lights Go Out

Ok, admit it.  You promise yourself every year that you’re going to put together a few extra supplies, just in case.  Everybody from the Red Cross to the government, to the local newspaper suggests that you “Get A Kit, Make A Plan, and Be Prepared.”  And every year, you mean to, you really do.  And the next thing you know, there’s an earthquake off in some far away place, or a hurricane on the other end of the country and you think, “I’ve really got to do this thing!”
But where to start?  What to do first?  Which kit to buy?  What will my friends think?  Here’s my approach, “Just pretend that the power goes out all over the area, and you can’t get to the store for at least three days.  What are you going to need to get by?”  
So in the event of a disaster and depending on your priorities, you’re going to need to eat, and find your way around in the dark.  And that’s just for starters.  So here’s what you do...Go haul out that old camping stove and see if it still works.  Clean it up, put some fresh fuel in it and try it out.  While you’re at it, dig out that lantern and do the same with it.  If you don’t own either one and you are solely dependent on electricity for all your energy needs, then you need to pick up at least a stove.  (Watch garage sales for some real bargains.)  Then make sure you have fresh batteries for your flashlight.  There are lots of battery-powered lanterns on the market.  Be careful with kerosene lanterns and candles because of the inherent fire hazards.  
Now, see how easy that was, and you’re on your way to getting your kit together.  And oh, by the way, don’t buy a kit.  There are hundreds on the market, they usually have stuff in them that you will never use, items that don’t fit your needs, and some kits even have (gasp!) low quality components.  It is always best to assemble your own kit.  That way you will know what you have and exactly what you don’t have.  Besides you can go online and see what the commercially available kits have in them, and get ideas for your own.  Just remember, survival is not a kit anyway, but it does help to have a few things together.  Skills and information are more important than stuff.
Disaster preparedness doesn’t have to break your budget, but with a little careful planning, you can, over time, accumulate a few things that will make life a whole lot easier the next time the lights go out.  And if this column prompts you to go out and buy fresh batteries for that old flashlight in your kitchen drawer, then it has served a good purpose.  Next week we will discuss what’s going to be on your menu and maybe a few things that shouldn’t be on your menu.

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