
This blog has grown out of my weekly newspaper column. Enjoy.
A prudent person forsees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 22:3 (NLT)

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Responsible disaster plans always include an arrangement to get in touch with a friend or relative outside your local area.  Whenever there is a natural disaster, one of the first things to break down is our system of communications. I have participated in several debriefing sessions following disaster exercises and the one problem always discussed is that of communication. If the Incident Commanders can’t get their messages out, then the entire mission is hampered.  Getting messages out of your local area is often easier to do than calling across the street.  Power outages affect the commercial radio stations and cell phone systems usually get jammed up with an overload of calls.  Ham radios can work when all other communication equipment is down, but that option requires licensing, training and a fair investment in specialized equipment.  Fortunately technology keeps developing and searching for the perfect solution.
Enter the DeLorme inReach.  Described as a satellite communicator using the Iridium satellite system it will send messages via text.  The inReach SE will operate either on its own or paired with a mobile device.  (Yes there’s an app available: Earthmate.)  There are different versions but the SE (screen edition) includes a dedicated SOS button to send an emergency message to DeLorme’s 24/7 search and rescue monitoring center.  Other features include a rechargeable 100 hour battery and an impact-resistant, waterproof case.

There are several devices on the market that provide grid-down communication, but none with this kind of two-way satellite communication.  The goTenna is an excellent product, as is FMRS radio technology, but both are limited in effective distance capability.  Ham radio operators are quick to point out, and correctly so, that their systems are capable of worldwide voice communication and can operate independent of the electrical grid.  As a licensed ham myself, I can tell you there is a substantial investment required to come up to that level of capability.  All these systems have benefits but all are limited in scope in at least one important aspect..

The inReach technology does carry a price.  The SE version retails for $300.00 (that’s a single unit, two may be required) then there is a maintenance/service fee.  Maintenance fees vary widely depending on your choice of service options but can be as much as $99.00 per month.  The fee programs are flexible, thus bringing the costs down considerably, depending on how much you plan to use the system.  (Remember how outrageous cell phone fees were for 60 minutes per month?)  I would expect that as the system grows and technology increases, those fees will become more reasonable.  

So as you perfect your disaster preparedness planning, consider how you will establish a solid means of  communication with your out-of-state contacts.  Texting with your cell phone is usually more reliable than voice calls during a crisis because of system overload, but the inReach satellite communicator may just be your best option.  

As always send your questions and  comments to disasterprep.dave@gmail.com.  

Thursday, September 1, 2016

sol gen 4.JPGsol gen 5.JPG

sol gen 3.JPG

This what it looks like.  If you'd like me to build you one, the cost is $299.00.  More pics to follow:

Solar Generator

Several months back Ted Koppel released the book, “Lights Out”.  His book explores what it would be like to have a nationwide electrical blackout for a lengthy period and the result of an in-depth look into the vulnerabilities of the nation’s power grid.  More than one reviewer called the book “scary”!  

I have written a few times on the loss of electricity and how to survive a grid-down, experience.  I own a backup generator, but they require fuel.  It is neither practical nor safe to store the amount of fuel needed to see one through a lengthy power failure.  I have calculated I have enough fuel on hand to keep my refrigerator and freezer running until the food contained therein is depleted.  

I have always thought solar energy was cool, but here on the Southern Oregon Coast, sometimes our days are “sunlight hindered” if you get the hint.  I have had some free time on my hands recently and stumbled across a set of online plans for a solar generator I thought was not only practical, but affordable.  This unit is portable, self-contained and capable of light duty usage.  

I based my unit on a Plano toolbox, available at most hardware stores.  The toolbox is built from heavy-duty plastic and seemed big enough to duplicate the plans I had seen online.  I ordered all the components from Amazon.com and in a few days the parts began to arrive.  In true “Tim Taylor” fashion I didn’t precisely follow the online example in that, instead of a 10 watt solar panel, I ordered a 20 watt unit.  After all it wasn’t that much more expensive and we all can use more horsepower. Right?  Instead of one, 12 volt, 18 amp, sealed lead acid battery, I ordered two.  Increased storage capacity you understand.  Then I added a 500 watt inverter and a solar charge controller.  I also added a 12 volt plug-in that looks like a cigarette lighter receptacle and a USB receptacle.  Those I mounted in the lid of the toolbox for ease of access.

After spending a few hours in my shop and three days sitting cross-legged on my living room floor, I have all the pieces assembled and wonder of wonders:  It works!!  Lights light up and when I plug my cell phone into a USB port, the phone goes “ding” and it charges.

As an interesting side note, I plugged a 60 watt floor lamp into the inverter.   The inverter has a readout that lets you know how many watts you are pulling.  The readout boldly proclaimed, “60 watts”.  I unscrewed the incandescent bulb and screwed in an LED bulb, the display:  3 watts. Besides the light is brighter than the regular bulb.  So if you’re agonizing over spending the extra for LEDs, go for it.  They will easily pay for themselves in time and (I haven’t tested this yet) but they seem to last longer than either the compact (spiral) fluorescents or the old school incandescent bulbs.

Please know, this won’t power up your microwave, blow dryer or any major appliance.  It will keep your phones charged, your laptop, tablet, toothbrush, bluetooth speaker, goTenna, battery operated power tools and nearly any other rechargeable device in your inventory.  

My total cost was in the neighborhood of $200.00.  I picked up all my wire and connectors at the local hardware store.  For now this is a work in progress so I will undoubtedly keep fine-tuning for a bit longer.  Also understand, I am not an electrician, but if you have questions about how I did it and where I got the plans, send me an email at disasterprep.dave@gmail.com.